Following your dream

My boyfriend was supposed to attend auditions for dancing academy tomorrow. Just a while ago he told me he isn’t going because he wouldn’t have any future anyway.
Which makes me think…what’s more important? Loving what you’re doing or getting money? Sure, no money means not.much comfort but no happiness in your job? That’s to me way worse than no comfort… Let me know what do you think please

Self love; yes or no

Lately I’ve come across a few people with interesting opinions. I gotta admit even though I respect them, they made me want to run against a wall. They were talking about self love aka “how self-centered is it to like ourselves”.
I don’t know if you agree or not. But personally I think EVERYONE with no exception should like themselves.
I’ve been reading a book called A Work In Progress and found this quote: “If you like you, that’s all that matters. If you don’t, then maybe you could work out why that is. ”
So now, my friends, raise your hand if you love yourself.
And if I asked you why you do not, would you be able to give me a response?
You know, I used to think that if I lose weight, I’ll start loving myself. But I was wrong. Now I’m a 58kg average woman and I’m still fighting to learn how to love myself.
I am talking about this because I wanna encourage you. Trust me, no matter how much weight you lose, if you fix your nose or change your hair for milliomt time, that is NOT what will make you love yourself. It’s all about inside. Tell yourself you are awesome this evening after a shower, during cooking,… Go ahead.

Fit or not?

Sometimes I feel like we’re living in a world where fitness means hating hamburgers, pancakes and working out 32 hours a day 9 days a week.
I do not consider myself one of those really fit people who only eat chicken and rice brofoood.And I admire them so much. Unfortunately, this is what most of people imagine when they hear fitness or healthy.
Although I don’t workout everyday, I don’t eat only clean,…I do think I eat healthy. Does it mean I hate fat and sugary food? NO. Does that mean I eat it everyday? NOO.
Being healthy means (to me) to have everything in moderation. To not over workout, enjoy the exercise and DO/EAT WHAT YOU LIKE.
Do NOT eat broccoli if you hate it just because someone says you should. You really do NOT have to go to the gym if you feel sick today just because you ate that ice cream last night.
And most importantly… DO NOT STRESS ABOUT IT.





The very first real post

The other say I decided to go to the gym. I took the bus to go to the city. As soon as I told the driver where to stop for me, he looked at me grumpily and mumbled something about not stopping there. Okaaaaaay then, I thought,  but it wouldn’t hurt to say it politely. Okay, I’m not saying I’m always nice but you get me. Also, I understand not being happy with your job when it’s 30 degrees in shade and you are driving your bus in a tight shirt. But still.
Anyway, the extra mile of walking didn’t kill me and it actually brought some good thoughts along the way. As I was walking I passed my old school and its football field. I noticed the gates of the school were already closed and they’ll be opened again on September 1. But then I got hit by the thought that for some people it will be the first time and for some they’ll mean the last year of school.
Do you realize how fuckin quick time flies??  *sighs*
And also, how lucky we are to even get the time for ourselves. To go to school, to grow up, to grow old even though some people want to go back in time or stop the time or never grow old. Yes, I perfectly understand. But we’re so busy thinking about how it flies that we don’t even realize how lucky we are to even have some of it.
(pictures through Pinterest)


Hello world

I thought it would be nice to introduce myself before I actually start writing a blog.
I’m a 17 year girl who likes sunflowers, cupcakes (okay, any food) and music.
To be honest, I’m creating this blog from such a selfish reason; it’s holidays and I’m bored. Of course I love writing and I also want to share my thoughts and provoke some too.
I certainly hope you’ll enjoy reading this. I don’t want to make this blog concrete. I don’t want to say this blog will be about fashion, beauty, just my life,…no. I will just share my thoughts, my moments, anything and I hope as time.goes you’ll share some thoughts with me too.



(Photos from Pinterest.)