Fit or not?

Sometimes I feel like we’re living in a world where fitness means hating hamburgers, pancakes and working out 32 hours a day 9 days a week.
I do not consider myself one of those really fit people who only eat chicken and rice brofoood.And I admire them so much. Unfortunately, this is what most of people imagine when they hear fitness or healthy.
Although I don’t workout everyday, I don’t eat only clean,…I do think I eat healthy. Does it mean I hate fat and sugary food? NO. Does that mean I eat it everyday? NOO.
Being healthy means (to me) to have everything in moderation. To not over workout, enjoy the exercise and DO/EAT WHAT YOU LIKE.
Do NOT eat broccoli if you hate it just because someone says you should. You really do NOT have to go to the gym if you feel sick today just because you ate that ice cream last night.
And most importantly… DO NOT STRESS ABOUT IT.





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